Station metadata


Station metadata#

import pandas as pd

import uscrn


We use uscrn.load_meta() to load the station metadata from NCEI.


meta = uscrn.load_meta()
CPU times: user 2 µs, sys: 1 µs, total: 3 µs
Wall time: 5.25 µs
wban country state location vector name latitude longitude elevation status commissioning closing operation pairing network station_id
0 03047 US TX Monahans 6 ENE Sandhills State Park 31.62 -102.80 2724.0 Commissioned 2004-01-12 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1019
1 03048 US NM Socorro 20 N Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge (LTER Site) 34.35 -106.88 4847.0 Commissioned 2004-01-12 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1020
2 03054 US TX Muleshoe 19 S Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge (Headquarter... 33.95 -102.77 3742.0 Commissioned 2004-04-23 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1067
3 03055 US OK Goodwell 2 E OK Panhandle Research & Extn. Center (Native ... 36.59 -101.59 3266.0 Commissioned 2004-04-23 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1068
4 03060 US CO Montrose 11 ENE Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park (Ve... 38.54 -107.69 8402.0 Commissioned 2004-09-08 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1109
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
249 NaN US AK Ruby 44 ESE FWS, Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge (Lake Site) 64.50 -154.12 259.0 Commissioned 2015-09-29 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7792
250 NaN US AK Selawik 28 E FWS, Selawik National Wildlife Refuge (Cabin S... 66.56 -159.00 22.0 Commissioned 2016-09-07 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7795
251 NaN US AK Tok 70 SE FWS, Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge (Seaton R... 62.73 -141.20 2000.0 Commissioned 2012-09-24 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7779
252 NaN US AK Toolik Lake 5 ENE BLM, Toolik Field Station 68.64 -149.39 2461.0 Commissioned 2018-09-18 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7799
253 NaN US TN Oakridge 0 N ATDD test site 36.00 -84.24 NaN Test-site NaT NaT Non-operational NaN USCRN 1147

254 rows × 16 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 254 entries, 0 to 253
Data columns (total 16 columns):
 #   Column         Non-Null Count  Dtype         
---  ------         --------------  -----         
 0   wban           237 non-null    object        
 1   country        254 non-null    object        
 2   state          254 non-null    object        
 3   location       254 non-null    object        
 4   vector         254 non-null    object        
 5   name           254 non-null    object        
 6   latitude       254 non-null    float64       
 7   longitude      254 non-null    float64       
 8   elevation      253 non-null    float64       
 9   status         254 non-null    object        
 10  commissioning  151 non-null    datetime64[ns]
 11  closing        79 non-null     datetime64[ns]
 12  operation      254 non-null    object        
 13  pairing        14 non-null     object        
 14  network        254 non-null    object        
 15  station_id     254 non-null    object        
dtypes: datetime64[ns](2), float64(3), object(11)
memory usage: 31.9+ KB


(A bit.)

First, we look at the status breakdown.

Commissioned       151
Non-comissioned     81
Experimental        20
Test-site            2
Name: count, dtype: int64
Operational        174
Closed              78
Abandoned            1
Non-operational      1
Name: count, dtype: int64

Most, but not all, sites are in the US.
US    252
RS      1
CA      1
Name: count, dtype: int64
meta.query("country != 'US'")
wban country state location vector name latitude longitude elevation status commissioning closing operation pairing network station_id
92 37201 RS SA Tiksi 4 SSE Roshydromet Observatory at Tiksi 71.58 128.91 30.0 Non-comissioned NaT 2018-11-06 Closed NaN USCRN 1789
199 64757 CA ON Egbert 1 W Environment Canada CARE site 44.23 -79.78 807.0 Experimental NaT NaT Operational NaN USCRN 1112

Technically there are a few different networks.
USCRN             162
USRCRN             75
Alabama-USRCRN     17
Name: count, dtype: int64
meta.query("operation == 'Operational'").network.value_counts()
USCRN             158
Alabama-USRCRN     16
Name: count, dtype: int64
meta.query("operation == 'Operational' and not wban.isnull()").network.value_counts()
USCRN             143
Alabama-USRCRN     16
Name: count, dtype: int64

👆 This should be the number of sites we get when we use uscrn.get_data() (for a time period that the currently reported operational status is accurate for).

Sites with “closing” in the past are not marked as operational (good).

meta[meta.closing <].operation.value_counts()
Closed       78
Abandoned     1
Name: count, dtype: int64

Alaska has the most sites.

AK    40
NM    25
AZ    23
CO    23
AL    20
UT    19
TX     8
CA     7
MT     5
SD     4
Name: count, dtype: int64

There is a range of elevations.

<Axes: ylabel='Frequency'>

Most of the sites that are high above sea-level are in NM/CO/UT/AZ. CO/WY/UT/NM/NV are the top five highest states overall, in that order.

meta.query("elevation > 4000").state.value_counts().head(5)
NM    23
CO    22
UT    18
AZ    10
WY     3
Name: count, dtype: int64

Most sites have elevation recorded.

wban country state location vector name latitude longitude elevation status commissioning closing operation pairing network station_id
253 NaN US TN Oakridge 0 N ATDD test site 36.0 -84.24 NaN Test-site NaT NaT Non-operational NaN USCRN 1147

Some sites don’t have a WBAN (but do have a station ID). Presumably these sites aren’t included in the data archives.

assert not meta.station_id.isnull().sum()
wban country state location vector name latitude longitude elevation status commissioning closing operation pairing network station_id
237 NaN US VA Sterling 0 N Sterling HCN 38.97 -77.48 287.0 Test-site NaT 2008-02-20 Closed NaN USCRN 1305
238 NaN US AK Aleknagik 1 NNE City of Aleknagik, Aleknagik Airport 59.28 -158.61 80.0 Commissioned 2020-10-13 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7801
239 NaN US AK Bethel 87 WNW FWS, Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge (Sou... 61.34 -164.07 153.0 Commissioned 2019-09-23 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7800
240 NaN US AK Cordova 14 ESE Eyak Corporation, Cordova 60.47 -145.35 83.0 Commissioned 2018-09-18 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7798
241 NaN US AK Deadhorse 3 S AK Department of Natural Resources, Haul Road) 70.16 -148.46 30.0 Commissioned 2015-09-29 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7793
242 NaN US AK Denali 27 N NPS, Denali National Park (Wonder Lake Campgro... 63.45 -150.87 2225.0 Commissioned 2016-09-07 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7794
243 NaN US AK Galena 44 SW Innoko National Wildlife Refuge 64.34 -158.08 131.0 Non-comissioned NaT NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7802
244 NaN US AK Glennallen 64 N BLM, Paxson Airport 63.02 -145.50 2669.0 Commissioned 2014-07-21 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7790
245 NaN US AK Gustavus 2 NE The Nature Conservancy, Gustavus Forelands Pre... 58.42 -135.69 20.0 Commissioned 2013-07-25 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7780
246 NaN US AK Huslia 27 E Koyukuk National Wildlife Refuge 65.65 -155.47 207.0 Non-comissioned NaT NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7803
247 NaN US AK Ivotuk 1 NNE Arctic Slope Regional Corporation, Ivotuk Airs... 68.48 -155.75 1909.0 Commissioned 2015-09-29 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7791
248 NaN US AK King Salmon 42 SE NPS, Katmai National Park (Contact Creek) 58.20 -155.92 661.0 Commissioned 2013-07-25 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7788
249 NaN US AK Ruby 44 ESE FWS, Nowitna National Wildlife Refuge (Lake Site) 64.50 -154.12 259.0 Commissioned 2015-09-29 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7792
250 NaN US AK Selawik 28 E FWS, Selawik National Wildlife Refuge (Cabin S... 66.56 -159.00 22.0 Commissioned 2016-09-07 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7795
251 NaN US AK Tok 70 SE FWS, Tetlin National Wildlife Refuge (Seaton R... 62.73 -141.20 2000.0 Commissioned 2012-09-24 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7779
252 NaN US AK Toolik Lake 5 ENE BLM, Toolik Field Station 68.64 -149.39 2461.0 Commissioned 2018-09-18 NaT Operational NaN USCRN 7799
253 NaN US TN Oakridge 0 N ATDD test site 36.00 -84.24 NaN Test-site NaT NaT Non-operational NaN USCRN 1147